Nino Trindade Nino Trindade Nino Trindade Nino Trindade
Nino Trindade
1982 - Maputo, Mozambique


We can describe Nino Trindade, born in Maputo in 1982, as approaching nature like a researcher. He extracts a piece from it and intervenes at the sculptural level in a limited manner, highlighting only a specific detail. Then, he works as a painter who intertwines with nature, crafting two interwoven worlds. In fact, there are three natures, corresponding to three different degrees: the first, the second, and the third. The first degree encompasses wood, to which humanity ultimately belongs; the second degree corresponds to the actual extraction and juxtaposition of the painting; the third degree materialises in the weighted, magical relationship created by art itself. Nino doesn't decorate his sculptures with paint: instead, he employs a different approach, covering them with what could be described as colourful cloaks.

His sculptures exude elegance, characterised by their elongated, almost spectral, and slender forms. Despite their height, they consistently embody arabesques, as if Nino were ceaselessly drawing lines in the air. The cloaks with which he envelops the carved wood are also planned in his paintings, where greens, blues, carmines, and pinks predominate.


Lados Opostos (Opposite Sides)
Lados Opostos (Opposite Sides)
30 April 2022
Manoeuvre Gallery Matosinhos

2021, Maputo

umbila wood and metal with acrylic painting 40 x 114 x 40 cm

"Lados Opostos" (Opposite Sides) explores the concept of a deconstructed totem: when heads tilt and become disorganised, they end up turning against - and turning their backs on - one another.

Noivado (Betrothal)
Noivado (Betrothal)
10 October 2022
Manoeuvre Gallery Matosinhos

2021, Maputo

acrylic on canvas 72 x 118 cm

Pós Num Tempo (After a Time)
Pós Num Tempo (After a Time)
3 June 2023
Jota Barbosa Interiores - Boutique Foz, Portugal

2022, Maputo

collage of acrylic painting on paper in unitex with Jambire frame

"Pós Num Tempo" (After a Time) is a large-scale work that once again establishes Nino Trindade as an artist with a broad gesture resonating in painting, pyrography, and sculpture. This gesture manifests as a kind of free cursor, materialising through aerial lines that gradually settle on Earth, giving rise to his works of art, which are then shared with us: whether in arabesque bodies, colour spirals, or in faces-gazes, as is the case with "Pós Num Tempo". Here, the faces-gazes are poised and floating, precisely as suggested in "...a Time".



1982 - Maputo, Mozambique

Visual Artist – Sculpture, Pyrogravure and Painting

Nilton Trindade, better known as Nino, was born on 14 October 1982 in Bairro do Aeroporto, Maputo, Mozambique.

He is a self-taught artist who embarked on his journey into the world of visual arts in 1998, when his uncle took him under his wing and introduced him to the world of sculpture.

In a country where economic responsibility arises at an early age, Nino, in 2000, already with some experience as a sculptor, started participating in a fair in Maputo where he had the opportunity to showcase and sell his works, aiming to find a means of supporting himself in the years to come.

At the end of 2012, Nino applied and eventually enrolled at the Higher Institute of Arts and Culture (ISARC), where he graduated.

In 2014, already well-recognised, he was hired by the Carr Foundation to teach a course on reusing local materials, a topic he considers crucial.

Presently, in addition to being a visual artist, he also serves as a cultural manager for various artists. His project aims to help, support, promote their works and publicise their authors.


  • 2023 – Natures, Manoeuvre Gallery, Portugal

  • 2020 – Intercalary Paths and Routes, BCI Corporate, Maputo Mozambique

  • 2019 – Intellectual Societies Discussing Ideas, BCI Media Library, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2019 – Paths, in Flavour of Always, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2019 – About Letters, Portuguese School, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2018 – Urban Minds and Traces, Portuguese School, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2017 – Tenga/Harmony, Polana Serena Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2016 – Growing Paths, Polana Serena Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2014 – Looking from Another Side, Polana Serena Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2012 – Echoes of an Unnoticed Society, BCI, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2011 – 1st Monument, Sagrada Família Community School in Marracuene, Mozambique

  • 2009 – Real Facts, Art Centre, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2007 – Sales Foundation, Vigo, Spain

  • 2006 – Living Hands, Photography Association, Maputo, Mozambique



  • 2023 – Art Marathon, 5th Gaia International Art Biennale, Lever - Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

  • 2022 – Momentum Mozambique Artist Residency, Matosinhos, Portugal

  • 2010 – Workshop “Together for Art Center”, Art Center, Maputo, Mozambique | Muz Lua Project, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2009 – Workshop "Launching the Election Date in Independence Square", Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2007 – Workshop "Using local materials to make handicrafts", Gorongosa National Park, Carr Foundation, Mozambique



  • 2023 – 5th Gaia International Art Biennale, Portugal

  • 2022 – Momentum Mozambique, Manoeuvre Gallery, Portugal | Manimalia, Manoeuvre Gallery, Matosinhos, Portugall

  • 2019 – Various Artists One Cause, Art Center, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2017 – Interludes, Art Center, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2013 – Celebrating Mozambique, Polana Serena Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique | Shadows, Movements and Dreams, American Cultural Centre, Maputo Fortress, on the visit of Queen Sofia of Spain

  • 2010 – Controversies, Mediateca do BCI, Maputo, Mozambique | The Creative Block, Kulungwana Association, Maputo, Moçambique | Collective 4 “Idea Other Views”, Art Center, Maputo, Mozambique | Head Office Maputo Waters, Mozambique | House of Culture, Maputo, Mozambique | Woman Living with HIV, Art Centre, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2011 – Growing Collection, CAISA Cultural Centre, Helsinki, Finland | Growing Collection, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2009 – Conference Centre, Maputo, Mozambique | Sentimentos de Um Povo, Mediateca BCI, Maputo, Mozambique | TDM Biennial, Maputo, Mozambique | The Feeling of A People, Joaquim Chissano Space, BCI Media Library, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2002 – American School, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 2001 – Avenida Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique

  • 1999/2000 – Franco-Mozambican Cultural Centre, Maputo, Mozambique


  • 2011 – Two Honourable Mentions: sculpture "O Grito do Bem-estar" (The Cry of Well-being) and sculpture "Dois Tempos Comunicando" (Two Times Communicating), TDM Biennial 2011, Maputo, Mozambique


1 July 2023
Interview with Nino Trindade, in the Artist's Spotlight - 5th Arte Gaia International Biennial
Jota Barbosa Interiors - Boutique Foz, 3 June 2023
Camilo Lourenço interviews Nino Trindade at the Cocktail Boutique Foz - The Luxury Experience event


Artistic Ecosystem - Nino Trindade - Maputo, October 2021
 Nino Trindade


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 Nino Trindade
Lados Opostos (Opposite Sides)
Lados Opostos (Opposite Sides)

2021, Maputo

umbila wood and metal with acrylic painting 40 x 114 x 40 cm desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile